Aurora “The Seed”

“Just like the seed, I’m finding light through the struggle”

This song by Aurora has been with me deep in the heart for years…

And through those years I’ve seen both hopeful ecological changes and grotesque abuses of natural resources…

I’ve been through phases of detrimental self-exclusion from the world, indulgence and envying opulent lifestyles, demonizing money, and being so fixated on acquiring it because it’s a necessary tool for survival.

I’ve lived out of my backpack in ‘foreign’ lands that feel like home for 5 weeks on $1500 and have worked in a high-end downtown restaurant in a capital city where that same amount was spent in 2 hours at one table just on alcohol for a business party.

After getting covid in August 2021 and having ample time to consider the state of the world~ I emerged with a lot of frustration wishing to be released in a healthy context.

Dance/movement seems to always be that release for me.

So I aimed to channel my inner anger and infuse it with gentle light into one moving body of authentic expression.

I wasn’t sure where I would record.

So I just drove.

Found myself nearing where I lived briefly at a monastery with my former partner.

We had recently split and I was feeling a lot simultaneously.

There is a spacious campsite a few miles before the monastery that slopes down to a sweet little creek that is a glacial run-off.

The campsite was trashed.

The dirt was filled with micro-plastics, ammunition, shells, a broken mirror, and cans/bottles galore.

So I cleaned up.

I raged.

I mourned.

I moved.

This earth is precious.

Her resources renewing but tested by greed infused corporations, unethical treasure seekers, and people that haven’t learned a broader respect.

I still could never do this Aurora song justice to the degree I envision~ the track means so much to me… but here it goes!

Some free flow as I recorded for the first time with my GoPro I dubbed “KnowBodies HERO”

Stay raw, shop local as much as possible, try your hand at growing food, keep moving!

Thank you for witnessing.