The lunar Calendars
through the cycles
through the cycles
the rising…
Through countless hours of research, collecting materials, designing, devoting to the details, dialing in, and editing… Sheradan has been fine-tuning the process of these handmade moon calendars for more precise attunement since 2019. Inspired by the flow of moons when placed in a grid of months and days on the axis, the gradient lends to the wonders of our loving L U N A at first sight. Introduced to the concept by Shannon Rae Pritchard met at Spirit Weavers. Wanting to have the intimacy of creating her own, asking if friends wanted copies when it turned out well, & realizing the profound impetus to share this information… what started as an experiment for a personal piece, has become what it is today. Always evolving, striving to offer the most comprehensive yet aesthetic calendar possible.
The learning that has occurred through the annual making of these has tested and improved my approach, bringing me back to the heart of who I am as an artist, and gives gifts that circle back around through the Whirled throughout each cycle. Thankh you eternally for being a part of this and taking interest in your journey cycling with the moon.
Below is a glimpse into the process of bringing the moons to life post research, filling in each phase, painting the background housing the guide,
& gridding out the design.